(c) 2009 Hey, Sally Fry All Rights Reserved
Each blog will include with a humorous or meaningful quote, links to interesting sites, and random Hey, Sally Fry! cartoons.
Disclaimer: The stories you are about to read are true, the names and some references/places/events have been changed or altered to protect the innocent, the not-so-innocent, and the guilty-as-hell. Sally Fry, and associates are not responsible for any choices or decisions that readers make as perceived as a result of reading "Hey, Sally Fry!".
Divorce: It's Not for Wimps... it's really not. This is not to say that people who remain in working marriages are wimps either. Anyone who has been, will be, or is in the throws of divorce, at some time or another will attest to the fact that it really is not for wimps. Oh, don't get me wrong... divorce can make you whimper in pain, self-pity, frustration, loneliness, or freaked-outedness at the whole damn situation - which does not, in and of itself, make you a wimp. Staying stuck in self-pity, blaming, and whining- That's being a wimp. In which case, you need to unwimpify yourself immediately in order to move onward and upward. Believe me, I speak from experience...
At some point in time, after the varying roller-coaster of divorce related emotions have been processed and re-processed, you have a choice. You can choose to remain stuck in the pits of despair and pain or you can choose to pick yourself up by the bra-straps and carry on! Sometimes picking yourself up means taking tiny little steps toward regaining a sense of control over your life and destiny by taking a walk to calm yourself, or taking a leap of faith into therapy, or reading a self-help book - one-sentence-at-a-time, or choosing a salad instead of a half pint of Ben & Jerry's Karmel Sutra ice cream (God, do I ever love that stuff... as my post-break up hips would tell you). So, as my hips shrink and my horizons expand, I will, from time to time, revisit just how to briefly wallow in the muck and mire of your past or present or possible dilemma and how you might get yourself unstuck so that you can indeed see and feel "Here Comes The Sun"!
Sally Fry
"Any idiot can face a crisis - It's the day to day living that wears you out." - Anton Chekhov 1860-1904
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Hey, Sally Fry!
(c)2007 All Rights Reserved.
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